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No. 4002:
First | Previous | 2019-12-27 | Next | Latest

First | Previous | 2019-12-27 | Next | Latest
Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/postcard/?comic=4002
Quoted from an email originally sent to: bill33
The author writes:
Someone recently wrote in to me asking why we didn't do anything special for our 4000th comic.
To which I wondered: "Wait, we passed 4000 already?"
And so here is your belated 4000th comic celebration, with all of the main characters rejoicing and reflecting on how far they've come. See if you can spot the following background events:
- Captain Salinity beating up the Doctor of Disguise.
- Chuckie being devoured alive by Robosaurus.
- The blue party popper being incinerated.
- Nimelle exorcising the Ghost of Christmas Beetle.
- Bluedrip and Greendrip playing 4D billiards.
- Dali Habsburg, wearing the famous Swiss Clockwork Hat and repairing Hoppy the Robot.
- Brad standing around with his hands in his pockets (yeah, I was low on ideas).
- Alex and Marcus standing on top of the Arcane Doomsday Device.
- Horace about to press the shiny red button on the Arcane Doomsday Device.
- Dr. Insidio reading the Wikipedia page for "Berlin key".
- Joe, Jim, Amanda, Geoff Braseby, Professor Wilmington, Xavier, Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla, and Bob in line for radioactive coffee.
- Consulman Ignatz and the lesbian haberdasher setting up lemonade stands across from each other.
- Ulric the Pragmatic locked in duel with an oblivious Amelia Braseby.
- A cow.
- Gwenyth strangling Gwen - why else would she not be around from #2163 to #2179?
- Erma disguised as Sally and the Mysterious Woman Who Only Ever Appears in the Background, both at once.
- Percy the Cat, Tiddles, and Lenny's cat eating out of the same food bowl.
- Albert, Albert's brother-in-law Steve, and Steve's brother-in-law Albert watching sports with Hubert and his second cousin Schubert.
- Beaux entering the hall of mirrors with a sledgehammer, and Gerardo glaring at him in disapproval.
I was going to put Lonnie Garamond somewhere in this comic, but his creators rudely denied me permission... so instead, you get Burgundydrip, who I partially drew in #968 when I wasn't certain whether or not Shakespeare was in the public domain. Can you spot him as well?
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