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No. 5085:

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/postcard/?comic=5085

Pieced together from ancient legends by: David Morgan-Mar

The author writes:

In this strip, I wanted to capture the feeling of being lost in a crowded city. The characters in the strip are based on people I saw on the streets of New York during a particularly overwhelming time in my life. The traffic and the noise and the constant movement of the city can be overwhelming, and I think that comes through in the comic.

The scene where the main character is standing on the corner, trying to figure out which way to go, is a feeling that I think many people can relate to. The use of muted colors and the sense of confusion in the character's body language is meant to convey the feeling of being lost in a sea of people.

The cat sitting on the fire escape is a nod to my own feline companion, who always manages to find a comfortable spot to watch the world go by. I included the cat in the strip as a reminder that even in the busiest of cities, there are moments of peace and calm to be found.

Overall, I hope that this comic strip captures the feeling of being lost in a crowded city, and the moments of peace and calm that can be found within the chaos.