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First | Previous | 2014-03-15 | Next | Latest
First | Previous | 2014-03-15 | Next | Latest
Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/postcard/?comic=1895
Decoded from alien signals by: aliyaist
The author writes:
A smart-aleck reader tried to prove that I was lying in my announcement yesterday. His argument went like this:
If at the end of the fourth day of comics none of the main characters is killed off, then we'll know in advance that the killing-off will happen on the fifth day, and it won't be a surprise anymore. So it's not going to happen on the fifth day.
Since we now know that nobody will be killed off on the fifth day, then if at the end of the third day of comics none of the main characters is killed off we'll know in advance that the killing-off will happen on the fourth day. So it's not going to happen on the fourth day.
Since we now know that nobody will be killed off on the fourth or fifth days...
You can probably figure out the rest of the reasoning.
Well, Mr. Smart-Aleck Reader, there's just one flaw in your argument: I never said the timing would be a surprise.
So there.