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No. 319: Sunburns & Serendipities
First | Previous | 2019-03-02 | Next | Latest

First | Previous | 2019-03-02 | Next | Latest
Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/itoons/?comic=319
Strip by: Manny
Becky: AAAIIGH! My skin! It burns! It burns!!
{Her skin is sizzling from the sun's rays}
Maliki: {indignant} Stop that. I clean the windows all the time. Don't make me look like an old slob!
Becky: {wearing sunglasses, sporting darker skin, and holding sunblock} What was that? I couldn't hear you over my suddenly occurring tan.
Maliki: Oh, come on...
Manny: +5 points for defying all logic.
The author writes:
In the universe the players inhabit, iToons does not exist. That's the premise of this entire comic, after all. But other things that we know and love do, albeit modified by the absence of iToons:
- BASEketball is a serious documentary about a revolutionary bridging of cultures.
- Sasheer Zamata is known (barely) for doing voiceovers for poorly selling computer games, but gains widespread fame after her appearance in the first Futurama movie.
- Kurt Russell is mostly known for his role in Sky High.
- Nerdy guys make YouTube videos of themselves doing Fraggle Rock dramatic readings instead of doing ASMR.
- The Emoji Movie was never made. Emoji fans never had it so good.
- The major remix comic that pervades all of Western culture is Dysfunctional Family Circus, despite it never being much good. It was relaunched recently into a new, updated graphic novel with a bigger budget, high-tech CGI artwork, and even edgier writing. And it sucked.
- Throughout the 2000s, all the greatest Hollywood blockbusters were live-action cartoon adaptations with super-uncanny-valley CGI mascots.
- The Comic Irregulars exist and are making a screencap comic based on SRoMG.
Original strip: Maliki, 2018-10-23, "Clarity".