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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=4920
Strip by: Flowermanvista
{a jumbled, vertically-striped mess of edited Garfield strips, with visible divisions between the three "panels"}
The author writes:
This is a response to SRoMG #4400, which suggests in the author's notes that the idea could be extended out to 600 strips by someone with more "time, patience, or a strong enough computer". I'm not sure if I have any of those, so instead of trying to do it manually I used Python to tell the computer to download and edit the strips for me.
The rules here are similar to the original: x=0 is SRoMG #1, x=1 is #2, and so on. Transparency was preserved, so some strips may bleed into adjacent columns. Any strips taller or shorter than 178 pixels were either cropped or padded to fit. The result is the first 600 SRoMG strips condensed into 3 "panels".
As a bonus, here is the first "panel" of my strip, with the original overlaid over it in a "difference" blending mode. All of the black pixels are areas that are identical to the original:
And as another bonus, I also had my script output an image after each stage of editing. The resulting animation (flashing lights warning) shows the process of the script building this strip from each of its 600 components.
As a final note, if you squint your eyes *just* right, you can just barely see the faint ghosts of some of the characters among the noise - particularly, in the middle of the third "panel", there's what appears to be Jon reading a newspaper, perhaps from all those pudding pops strips...or maybe I'm just deluding myself by thinking that I see anything in there.
Original Square Root of Minus Garfield strips: 2008-11-15 to 2011-01-09.