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First | Previous | 2012-08-19 | Next | Latest
Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=1188
Strip by: Manyhills
{Garfield is about to kick Odie}
Odie: Don't even think about it!
Garfield: Odie... you...
Odie: I've endured your abuse long enough, fat boy!
SFK: Poke poke
SFX: Poof
Garfield: Whew! It was just a bad dream.
{Garfield is about to kick Odie}
Odie: Don't even think about it!
Garfield: Odie... you...
Odie: I've endured your abuse long enough, fat boy!
SFK: Poke poke
SFX: Poof
Garfield: Whew! It was just a bad dream.
{Garfield is about to kick Odie}
Odie: Don't even think about it!
Garfield: Odie... you...
Odie: I've endured your abuse long enough, fat boy!
SFK: Poke poke
SFX: Poof
Garfield: Whew! It was just a bad dream.
{Garfield is about to kick Odie}
Odie: Don't even think about it!
{et cetera...}
The author writes:
I get these all the time - false awakenings, that is - though obviously not quite so involved as Garfield's: they mostly involve me waking up, getting dressed, having breakfast, etc. etc., which makes it quite the disappointment when I actually wake up and realise those menial tasks are still ahead of me. I used to explain this by referencing a Calvin and Hobbes strip I half-remembered where Calvin does the same thing, and, when woken up properly, grumbles, "Today had better be worth getting up twice for". Imagine my surprise, therefore, when I decided to try and find said strip again, and it turned out it wasn't Calvin and Hobbes at all, it was Garfield.
Oh, and the Y combinator is a combinator in the lambda calculus that allows for the creation of recursive functions - a desperate attempt on my part to make creating this strip count as Computation Theory revision.
[[Original strip: 2005-07-10.
Admin note: There is in fact a similar Calvin and Hobbes strip in which Calvin wakes up only to find he's still dreaming, though with a different punchline.]]
Original strips: 1985-11-10, 2005-07-10.