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First | Previous | 2009-06-29 | Next | Latest
Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=101
Strip by: Xyzzy
You're all familiar with comics, right? Those things where the artist draws pictures and they tell some sort of joke? Well, I was reading this book the other by this guy, and he sort of laid out a definition of a comic based on the placement of the pictures and things. It was really insightful.
Well, anyway, I've been reading this webcomic (that's a comic on the internet) and there was this comic where a description of another comic was written out! I know, it sounds weird, but that's what it was. And I guess the person who made it defined it as a comic, which I have to say it really cool, because it didn't have any pictures or anything.
Basically, he separated it into four paragraphs, each representing a single panel of the comic (comics usually are divided in this way, and the comic he was talking about had four, so that's why he used four paragraphs) and the paragraphs were placed in a sort of diagonalish pattern that goes down and right. It was a pretty cool effect, because it really feels like time is going by even though there aren't any pictures to guide you.
Okay, so the text described this comic. I'm not really sure what the comic is, but it had cool descriptions. He goes back and mentions things he forgot a few times. I wish he would've just told us from the start what it was since he probably could have gone back and rewritten that part since it was on a computer (because remember this was a webcomic on the internet) or at least... I don't know, it was just a little but confusing.
I just looked at something on the website this was on just now. I guess it was three panels. Oh and there was a short paragraph at the end too.
Anyway, it's about this guy called Garfield (like the President of the United States with that proof of that... what was it?) and I guess he's a friend of this other guy Jon. I'm not really sure. The guy named Garfield is really funny. I'm not sure I've ever read anything as funny as that guy. So this guy Garfield is making fun of his friend Jon because Jon gets electrocuted and Garfield thinks that's funny. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what happened. The last part was a little confusing. Apparently Jon is an electrician.
My neighbor is an electrician. Maybe it's one of those nerdy comics where you have to be an electrician to get it. I'll ask him about it. He'll know.
The author writes:
I got this idea and had to do it. Mostly because there's not a meta-joke that can't be extended one place further in the world. I dare someone to describe my comic. Really, I dare ya! By the way, President James A. Garfield's proof of the Pythagorean Theorem.
Original strip: 2007-09-05.