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No. 63: A problem faced by mathematicians everywhere

First | Previous | 2015-03-29 | Next | Latest

A problem faced by mathematicians everywhere

First | Previous | 2015-03-29 | Next | Latest

Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/dinosaur/?comic=63

Strip by: David Morgan-Mar

T-Rex: ∫2x dx = x2
T-Rex: The constant is important if you want to be known as a pedantic maths nerd.
Utahraptor: Constant! Constant! Constant! Constant! Constant! Constant! Constant! Constant! Constant! Constant!
T-Rex: Are you a maths nerd?
Utahraptor: No, I'm just doing that to annoy you.
T-Rex: The two are not mutually exclusive!

The author writes:

Anyone who answers "Are you a maths nerd or an annoying person?" with "Yes" is a maths nerd and an annoying person.