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No. 766: Only those who truly master their fear can play

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Only those who truly master their fear can play

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/dinosaur/?comic=766

Strip by: David Morgan-Mar, Andrew Coker, Ian Boreham

T-Rex: I've invented a new type of golf.
T-Rex: It's played on a vertical surface, with a multi-course green spanning 3 continents. The bunkers are gravitational singularities.
T-Rex: It's only played in hurricanes of Category 4 or above.
T-Rex: And the compulsory uniform is a frilly pink dress.
Utahraptor: Are there SHARKS involved?
T-Rex: Not XTREME enough!
T-Rex: We use PUBLIC SPEAKING. With a non-nude audience!

The author writes:

Mr Coker threw out the first line at random, and we ran with it for all it was worth.