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No. 917: Holly's Rocket Episode IVI

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Holly's Rocket Episode IVI

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/owls/?comic=917

Strip by: Wibi

{Holly's rocket is shown travelling through space.}
{Inside the space ship, Holly is talking to Delkin.}
Holly: so what do you use the hologram for?
{Delkin monologues. A picture of planets X-and-the-rest and Y-and-the-rest firing lasers at each other is shown.}
Delkin: on my planet, hologramming and playing out characters is something we try to convince ourselves is a fun pastime, when, in fact, we do it mainly to avoid detection from planet Y-and-the-rest, which we have been at war with for <9.37 YEARS>
{A picture of Delkin's eyeless dome-like form is shown.}
Delkin: in all the playing pretend, i sometimes am legitimately not sure whether my current form is just an unfulfilled husk and my eyeless form is my real self, or whether the cultural impact of the war has destroyed my sense of identity
{His monologue ends. Holly is holding up two scripts.}
Holly: yeah yeah, you're a shapeshifter-type character, i get it, but are you the comic relief TRICKSTER, the comic relief PERVERT, or both?
{Delkin thinks about it.}
Delkin: can i be the snarky guy with secret emotional issues
Holly: that's reserved for either me or meridien, depending on who gets the bigger fanbase

The author writes:

Our beloved protagonist is aware that Flanderization will get to everyone sooner or later anyway, and doesn't waste time entertaining such silly concepts as character arcs.

Oliver: what about me?
Holly {holding script}: oh, that's easy. you're the tumblr sexyman. now talk about how you've been stress-eating