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CISRA Puzzle Competition 2011 - Solutions

5C. Caesar Salad

Each line seems to be cluing two different words. Some clues have several plausible answers, but even so some useful properties can be observed from some of the more likely candidates. We might guess, for instance, at: panda, dank, hero, bunny, sleep, viva, torus, fadge, vane, jobs, thumbs, anno, reef, jerky, hawk, dodo, dolls, wheel, leap, Piet.

Looking at the pairs available there, we might observe that both answers in a pair have (or can be made to have) the same number of letters. Adjusting further answers to attempt to meet this property can narrow answers further. After doing so, a stronger pattern may be noticed: Each pair has the same "letter pattern". Admittedly this is rarely a strong condition, but the pairs bunny/sleep, anno/reef, and dolls/wheel serve to make this plausible.

Further progress comes from realising (quite possibly prompted by the title itself, which may lead some solvers to grasp the puzzle motif immediately) that not just are the letter patterns the same, but each letter in the first word has shifted the same distance in the alphabet (cyclically) to produce the second word. This is a very old ciphering technique called the Caesar cipher. In it, each letter is replaced by the letter a certain number (the shift) of letters later in the alphabet, wrapping around to the start if need be. Julius Caesar is said to have used this cipher with a shift of 3. For instance, IBM is the result of applying the cipher to HAL using a shift of 1 (although this is a coincidence).

This strong property makes it much easier to complete the list of answers, and we get:

A group of eight slowly tricklesoctaddrips15
Ailuropoda guitarpandadobro14
Diced fruitcubedmelon10
Dark, dank protagonistdankhero4
Rabit slumberbunnysleep17
Long live grandmothers!vivanans18
Doughnut-shape Irish potato breadtorusfadge12
Wind measuring-instrument occupationsvanejobs14
Violet-ish with more dyepurplyinkier19
Masculine opposable digitsmanfulthumbs7
Nut big catpecantiger4
In the year of an underwater rock ledgeannoreef17
Horses pouffesteedstuffet1
Scythe-shaft dried meatsnathjerky17
Accipitrinae pastrieshawkpies8
Extinct bird fatherdodopapa12
Double unsliced breadtwinloaf18
Mannequins round transport devicedollswheel19
Flowerpot runs slowlyvasejogs14
No place renouncernowhereabjurer13
Jump MondriaanleapPiet4

The natural step to take at this point is to turn those shift values into letters. Doing so in the usual fashion gives ONJDQR LNSGDQ AQHLRSMND, which is not enlightening. However, when converting Caesar cipher shifts to letters, the convention is to use A to indicate no shift, B for a shift of 1, and so forth (see, for example, the Vigenère square here). In practice, this means we must shift one letter further in the alphabet in our conversion. (One could also simply try shifting the letter sequence by various amounts until a message emerges.) Doing so produces the message: POKERS MOTHER BRIMSTONE.

This is another clue of the same form encountered already. "Poker's mother" refers to the venerable card game primero, and brimstone is another name for the chemical element sulphur. These two words are shifts of one another (with a shift of 3), confirming the correctness. The answer is PRIMERO SULPHUR.