CISRA Puzzle Competition 2011 - Solutions4C. Team StatisticsThere's a clue written down the "seconds" column. It spells: try numerous spots to spy study inwardly rows or try two tours to pry The rules are:
Some rows might produce two letters. Some rows might be skipped.
The first message you'll find this way is: what may be revealed if all puzzles solved twelve hours later It tells you to take all the "Last solved times" and add 12 hours. Be careful to also increment the days if the time was after noon! (This is only important around Aug 02, by the way.)
Doing this and reading again, you find a second message: what man helped start mums puzzle hunt and wikileaks after Who was an early contributor to the MUMS Puzzle Hunt and helped start Wikileaks? JULIAN ASSANGE.
Puzzle design notes:Only names of real teams already registered in the 2011 CiSRA Puzzle Competition were used in the construction of this puzzle. I tried to give preference to teams who had solved puzzles in the actual competition, at the time I made the puzzle. I also tried to use team names that I had seen before in our competition in previous years, but of course I was constrained by the puzzle itself so I couldn't accommodate all the team names I wanted to use. Apologies to all for the fake scores I used. This puzzle was part of the 2011 competition's Group 4 set of puzzles, which we informally called "Mess With Their Heads Day". In 2010, the Group 4 puzzles consisted of the same puzzle graphic for each puzzle, just with different puzzle names. This year we decided to theme the day around giving the impression the puzzles were not really puzzles. Double Jeopardy, for example, was presented as a solution, while Puzzle Competition Reminder looked like an email we had accidentally sent and A Typical Puzzle seemed to be a gripe about mechanics often used in puzzles. Team Statistics was themed to look like the score board after the competition had finished. This placed a lot of constraints on the puzzle's construction, and produced a lot of information, not all of which could be fully consumed. The design task was to:
During test solving, one of our testers found the word "'puzzle" near the middle of the field, but the only way that word could be produced was to use numbers from the hours, minutes and seconds columns. After some checking, the testers concluded this was not the intended solving mechanism, since it didn't seem to work for all rows. Nevertheless, this discovery was intended, and provided an alternative way in to the puzzle (in addition to working down from the top). This is the reason for the silver medals on those rows and hence the slightly different scores, and also the reason for having some rows only having completed one puzzle from a group rather than the whole group. When we rate the difficulty of puzzles we take a number of factors into consideration, including:
For this puzzle, the amount of time was considered to be reasonably low, there was a single big insight leap right at the start, but once begun the puzzle could be solved in parallel by a team working on different rows independently. It was considered to be of medium difficulty. We were calibrating this against other puzzles, including ones such as Rime Royal and Four Letter Words, which were considered definitely hard for the total amount of work involved, if for nothing else. However, gauging how much of a stumbling block any particular insight leap is going to be is sometimes difficult. Our test solvers had a few recommended changes required before we could consider this puzzle publishable, including:
Another suggestion was to hand-write the word "Puzzle" near the corresponding rows where that word appears. After all the above changes were made, this was considered to be unnecessary.