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CISRA Puzzle Competition 2011 - Hints

3D. Rime Royal

  • An answer to Rime Royal you request
    when hints embedded therein I did place?
    Not merely inklings to each scheme suggest,
    but further in does deeper clue encase.
    Beginning step for those without a trace:
    how many words within each line abound;
    how many letters in each answer found?
  • Again I hear thy plaintive doleful screams!
    Heed this advice, and mayhap you'll progress:
    The poem clues hath seven common themes;
    some word play, research, letters to caress –
    each clue doth seven letter word express.
    Once clues divined, what data are unused?
    View answers when those fitting are infused.
  • Returnest thee with no good answer yet?
    These little clues may finally be told.
    Into each square of seven answers set
    by marking seven eighths of title bold –
    they then reveal an image to behold.
    Seek seven answers for a final grid;
    last title words show final picture hid!