CISRA Puzzle Competition 2007 - Solutions

This is the archive of the 2007 Puzzle Competition. Please visit the current competition site for information about the latest Puzzle Competition.

A.5 Turgid Streams

Intuitive leap: Each line of poetry can be transformed into a question, by locally anagramming sets of letters.

For example, the start of the first line of the puzzle is "How swathed". This can be partitioned into three short anagrams:

"Who was the d..."

Likewise, the whole poem can be partitioned such that each group of letters anagrams to a new word, to form a hidden message. Here is each line of puzzle text broken up into its anagrammable partitions:

How swathed in test of hating snow?
Who was the dentist of Washington?

This refers to George Washington, who is noted for having false teeth. His dentist was John Greenwood.

How versed I codeth thy roe of a tit, verily?
Who discovered the theory of relativity?

This one's straightforward: Albert Einstein.

Then code some sworn lake man,
The second moonwalkers name?

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin was the second person to walk on the moon.

I move to craft rising player's man up,
Movie actor first playing Superman?

Many actors have played Superman, but Christopher Reeve starred in the first Superman movie.

And tie robust one - maintain crab odor.
Subordinate to inanimate carbon rod?

Probably the trickiest line to anagram correctly. The answer may be familiar to fans of The Simpsons (but is otherwise findable with a web search) - it's Homer Simpson.

At this point, we have a list of names:

John         Greenwood
Albert       Einstein
Edwin/Buzz   Aldrin
Christopher  Reeve
Homer        Simpson

The initials of their surnames spell out the solution to the puzzle - GEARS.