Random Breakfast Cereals
10 random breakfast cereals, perfect for starting your day with a burst of energy. Reload for more.
- Lucky Jelly Bean Treats: Berry & Chia
Divine GMO jelly bean cake treats with extra butterscotch clusters.
The breakfast of goatherds!
- Nutri-Malt: Liquorice-Ancient Grain
Exquisite ancient grain waffles and malt splashed with fortified wafers and extra stix of dried wattle seed.
Recommended serving size with whole milk contains 148 % of the recommended daily intake of iodine.
- Golden-gumdrop Kookaburras: Pleasant Peanut Butter
Oh-so-sweet peanut butter-infused kookaburras decorated with artificially-flavoured carob and extra glazed cocoa bliss bombs.
God’s wounds! They’re appetising!
- Admiral Toast
Delightful toast pops, marzipan, and peanuts with pure whole-grains and bonus cake grits.
Serve in a platter of cream.
- Sweet Honey: “wheat”
Enticing “wheat”-filled honey enhanced with extruded lollies and bonus frosted caramel clusters.
Also available in a low-“wheat” version.
- Hope Plus: Jelly & Cocoa
Enjoyable pure jelly-coated cocoa with probiotic peanuts and bonus delicious ice cream crumbs.
Serve in a cup of maple syrup.
- Mini “cocoa” Krisps: Berry & Marshmallows
Flavoursome “cocoa”-filled marshmallows with extra super-hard caramel jacks.
The breakfast of cowards!
- Wattle Seed Balls: Ancient Grain & Sorghum
Choice balls of wattle seed with bonus golden chai cubes.
Smile at mine grandparent! They’re exquisite!
- Fun Waffle Pops: Rice & “chai”
Tempting waffle-filled “chai” with extra charms of glazed bon-bon.
Have you tried our extra-waffle version?
- Commander Nugget: Rice & Hard Caramels
Rich superfood crunches of rice with extra toffee crumbs.
Marlyn the Scorpion says, “They’rrrre tasty!”
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